What are the Health Effects of Delta 8 THC?

Effects of Delta 8 THC

Although delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC) is not as well known as other types of THC, it is still an important cannabinoid. Delta-8 THC appears naturally in the resin of the cannabis plant and has been used as a synthetic drug for decades. It has been found in several different types of products and medications, including oils, liquids, and pills. As research continues to find new potential uses for both natural and synthetic delta 8 thc, its popularity is likely to grow even more. But what are the health effects of delta-8 THC? Read on to learn more about this lesser-known type of THC and its potential benefits and risks.

What is Delta-8 THC?

Delta-9 THC is an organic compound that is found naturally in the resin of the cannabis plant. It is extracted from the plant and refined to produce delta-9 THC oil and other synthetic cannabinoids. Delta-8 THC is a synthetic version of delta-9 THC, and the two are often used interchangeably in research.

Delta-9 THC is the most well-known and widely studied cannabinoid, and delta-8 THC will likely experience the same level of popularity as research on it continues to expand. Delta-8 THC is found naturally in very low quantities in cannabis plants, with an average of about 1 percent in high-CBD strains.

How is Delta-8 THC Made?

Delta-8 THC is created in a lab when delta-9 THC undergoes a chemical reaction called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is a process used to make molecules more polar, meaning they can more easily dissolve in other substances. For example, hydrogenation is used in the creation of margarine, shortening, and many types of chocolate. After hydrogenation, delta-9 THC is reduced to Delta 8 Tincture so that it is more soluble in solution. 

The Health Effects of Delta 8 THC

Like all types of THC, delta-8 THC has some potential medicinal benefits. It may help to improve appetite and relieve nausea in cancer and HIV/AIDS patients, and it may also ease pain, anxiety, and sleep problems. The effects of delta-8 THC can vary based on the amount taken, the method of administration, and the health and metabolism of the person taking it. Delta-8 THC may also have some negative effects, including the following:

Dry mouth and throat: The compounds in delta-8 THC can cause dryness in the mouth and throat, which can result in bad breath.

Dizziness, headache, and fatigue: Delta-8 THC can make some people feel dizzy, weak, or fatigued.

Increased heart rate and blood pressure: The delta-8 THC can cause the heart rate and blood pressure to increase in some people.

Is There Any Benefit to Using Delta-8 THC?

Since delta-8 THC is the synthetic version of delta-9 THC, it is likely to have the same potential benefits and risks as any other type of THC. Delta-8 THC has been studied as a potential treatment for many conditions, including nausea and loss of appetite in cancer patients, as well as pain.

Potential Side Effects of Delta-8 THC

As mentioned above, delta-8 THC can cause several negative side effects. Most of these can be avoided by taking the drug under a doctor’s supervision and monitoring the dosage carefully. That said, the most serious risks of delta-8 THC include heart attack and stroke. Delta-8 THC is metabolised in the liver, where it is broken down into toxic metabolites that can damage the liver. This is especially true for people with pre-existing liver conditions, such as hepatitis C.

That’s why experts warn people with liver problems to avoid any type of THC. Other serious potential side effects include low blood pressure, seizures, and confusion. People at risk for any of these side effects should avoid delta-8 THC. People who use delta-8 THC should do so in a controlled medical setting and have their dosage monitored by a doctor. This can help to prevent serious side effects.


Overall, delta-8 THC is very similar to delta-9 THC and may have similar medical benefits. Delta-8 THC is created from delta-9 THC in a process known as hydrogenation. The most serious risk of delta-8 THC is the risk of damaging the liver. That’s why doctors only prescribe delta-8 THC to patients who need it and carefully monitor the dosage. Like other types of THC, delta-8 THC may have benefits for people with nausea, cancer, and HIV/AIDS, as well as people with chronic pain. Delta-8 THC may also be helpful for people who have trouble eating due to nausea or other problems.


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