The Positive Effects CBD Can Have On You and Your Health

Effects CBD Can Have On You

If you’ve read any news coverage on the topic of Cannabis in the last few years, you may have gotten the idea that the debate is squarely centred around how much risk it poses to our general well-being, particularly for young people. While this is certainly an important discussion to have, it does tend to overlook some of the other benefits that cannabis can provide. In particular, one subtype of cannabis has recently been gaining attention — although not always for the right reasons. This strain comes from a plant called Cannabidiol (or CBD) and is believed by many to be non-psychoactive, meaning that it doesn’t produce a high like THC. There are even some who believe that cbd might be able to help fight against the negative effects of THC.

How CBD Can Help Improve Your Health

There are many ways in which CBD can be beneficial for your overall health. Some of these include:

– Promoting Cardiovascular Health- CBD has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, both of which are important factors in the health of your heart.

– Protecting Your Liver- CBD has also been shown to reduce the harmful enzymes produced by your liver that can lead to liver damage.

– Supporting Healthy Joints- CBD can help reduce inflammation in the joints, which can be helpful for those suffering from arthritis.

– Promoting Digestive Health- CBD has also been shown to have antispasmodic properties that can be helpful for those with irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive issues.

– Supporting Neurogenesis- CBD has been shown to promote the growth of new neurons, which can be helpful for those suffering from certain mental illnesses.

Depression and Anxiety Relief

Oftentimes, people who suffer from anxiety or depression find themselves turning to cannabis as a means of controlling those issues. CBD is particularly helpful in the treatment of anxiety, with a 2017 study finding that CBD has “therapeutic potential for the treatment of anxiety disorders.” Moreover, one study found that subjects who consumed CBD reported a reduced urge to consume addictive substances like alcohol or tobacco. It should also be noted that CBD might not reduce the symptoms of anxiety or depression directly. Instead, it may work to reduce the severity of those symptoms by altering your brain chemistry.

Pain Relief

One of the most common reasons people turn to CBD is for pain relief. Many studies have found strong evidence that CBD can be effective for managing pain, including a 2017 study that found that CBD was effective at reducing pain associated with knee osteoarthritis. All this being said, it should be noted that research on CBD and its effects on pain relief is relatively new, so more concrete conclusions are still forthcoming.

Overcoming Addiction

While it’s true that CBD is helpful for the management of various health conditions, the most compelling argument for its use as a medical substance is the belief that those who are trying to recover from drug addiction (particularly addiction to opioids) can benefit from its use. A few recent studies have suggested that CBD could be an effective treatment option for addiction. One study found that CBD could reduce cravings in patients who had recently completed an opioid detox program. Another study even found that CBD could be an effective treatment for withdrawal symptoms.

Protecting Your Brain

While there have been few studies on the effect of CBD on the human brain, there is a decent amount of evidence that suggests that CBD can be helpful for those who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury or stroke. One study found that the use of CBD oil could help speed up the healing process and reduce the chances of brain injury-related long-term disability. There is also some evidence that suggests that CBD may be helpful for the treatment of certain mental illnesses that are related to brain function, such as schizophrenia or certain types of epilepsy.


The Positive Effects CBD Can Have On You and Your Health There is no question that cannabis has been a hotly debated topic for quite some time now. Many people have strong opinions about the plant, particularly when it comes to the potential benefits or drawbacks of using it for medical purposes. One subtype of cannabis that has recently been gaining attention, though, is CBD. While this part of the cannabis plant is non-psychoactive, many believe that CBD can provide a wide variety of health benefits. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of CBD, the article above will provide you with all the information you need. From helping to manage pain to protecting your brain, CBD has a lot to offer.

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