6 Ways To Cure Anxiety Disorder 2023


What if we told you that the age of information provides beneficial outcomes for daily mental challenges like stress, depression, and anxiety? In other words, taking stress for granted would be a shame. Starting with business decisions, on-the-job responsibilities, and personal life, stress and anxiety lead us everywhere, which is why it’s imperative to find potential solutions at the right time. Moreover, some anxiety issues are a part of life that can’t be ignored. However, anxiety is not that bad. Well, it makes you cautious but motivates you to stay prepared and organized.



And, when you’re prepared, it’s easier to calculate all the risks involved. When stress and depression become routine recurrences, it is time to take quick steps. Unregulated problems can significantly impact your life. Consequently, you would have to take control by trying some vital ways.

To begin with, what’s anxiety?


For people who do not know its technicalities, anxiety is our body’s natural response to overthinking and stress. It is an emotion that induces fear, caused by multiple combinational factors that investigators think can range from surroundings to genetics and brain chemistry.


But one of the important things to note here is that anxiousness can affect people differently. It can be different for everyone. While a user might experience a butterfly-kind feeling, others may undergo nightmares, panic attacks, and painful thoughts. It all depends on human factors and how your body tends to deal with the situation.


That said, there is a slight difference between daily anxiousness and specific anxiety-related disorders. Feeling stressed about a situation is one particular factor, but when everything gets to a certain point of no return, it can affect your life severely. This is when you should consider it a disorder.


Some anxiety disorders comprise:


  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Separation anxiety
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Illness anxiety
  • Phobia
  • Social anxiety disorder


In case you wish to opt for a natural procedure, there are several significant and little ways to alleviate such a feeling. From making meager tweaks to your lifestyle, exercise routines, and diet to integrating alternative medication, this blog will present 6 straightforward ways to cure anxiety disorders.

1.  Natural supplements


Have you heard of natural supplements like THC and CBD? If yes, you might confuse CBC oil for anxiety with cannabidiol. CBC is a phytocannabinoid that could potentially treat depression and anxiety disorders. Moreover, it works with a combination of CBD and THC to produce an entourage effect of mood-lifting properties.



CBG and CBC could be more potent than CBD and THC in alleviating depression and anxiety. However, further investigation is required to back up its anecdotal evidence. This does not end here. Moreover, users suffering from anxiety due to excessive pain can also use the supplement to induce anti-inflammatory properties. CBC is one of the cannabinoids that might desensitize specific channels and could combine primary cannabinoids to make a potent impact. This involves influencing the receptors involved in the process of regulating and detecting your body’s heat.

2.  Stay active mentally and physically.


Constant exercise isn’t about improving physical health; it can be a massive help to a user’s mental health. One of the studies states that users with depressive thoughts and anxiety issues who reported a storied level of physical activity were better protected against anxiety symptoms.


This can occur for various reasons. Exercise tends to divert your attention from racing thoughts. Furthermore, getting the heart rate up also transforms your brain chemistry to produce more space for anti-anxiety neurochemicals, such as:


  • Serotonin
  • Endocannabinoids
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)


3.  Cut down on alcohol consumption.


Consuming alcohol might take the edge off as it is one of the natural sedatives. But, one of the research pieces states that there is a common link between alcohol consumption and anxiety. This is when AUD and multiple anxiety disorders occur hand in hand. More so, alcohol can also disrupt a body’s natural potential to rest and sleep. It happens by hindering sleep homeostasis.

4.  Quit smoking cigarettes


Traditional consumers often smoke when they are depressed or stressed. Yet, like consuming alcohol, taking a puff when stressed is a temporary fix that might worsen the situation. A study states that the earlier you start consuming substances like nicotine through smoking, the more significant your risk of developing anxiety disorders later in life. Also, experts quote that nicotine, along with various other chemicals in cigarette smoke, can alter specific brain pathways linked to anxiety and depression.

5.  Put a hold on caffeine intake.


Are you suffering from chronic anxiety? If the answer is yes, caffeine is not the best of pals. Caffeine might lead to jitters and nervousness, neither of which is ideal if you are stressed. Additionally, caffeine can also lead to further disorders that could worsen stress and anxiety.

6.  Practice mindfulness and meditate


The primary objective of meditation is complete awareness of the present, including all your thoughts nonjudgmentally. Such activity can result in contentment and calm nature by boosting your ability to tolerate all feelings and thoughts. As a result, meditation relieves anxiety and stress and is a leading facet of CBT. Yet another research piece from John Hopkins states half an hour of meditation daily can alleviate anxiety symptoms and be a primary antidepressant.

Ways to meditate and practice mindfulness


  • spiritual meditation
  • mindfulness meditation
  • movement meditation
  • mantra meditation
  • focused meditation
  • progressive relaxation
  • transcendental meditation
  • visualization meditation
  • loving-kindness meditation

Final words


Have you been feeling anxious lately? If the answer is yes, it’s time to seek help and calm your racing thoughts. Remember, natural home remedies might help alleviate anxiety, but do not replace professional assistance. Increased stress might require therapy and a doctor’s help.

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