How to Catch a Pokemon during the Spotlight ?

Pokemon during Spotlight

Pokemon GO is currently taking the world by storm and for good reason. Embarking on a journey to catch all 151 Pokemon is an incredibly addictive experience that has captured the hearts of millions of people. While the game is free to play, there are also various in game items that players can purchase to improve their experience.

      •  Play the Spotlight Hour
      •  Pokemon to Catch
      • Tips for Success
      •  The Spotlight Hour?
      • How to Catch a Pokemon during the Spotlight Hour
      • Ending remarks

 Play the Spotlight Hour

The Spotlight Hour is a special time during the day when you can try to catch specific Pokemon. The best way to do this is by using playsets that have been specifically designed for the Spotlight Hour. These sets usually include more powerful Pokemon, so it’s important to use them in the right way in order to maximize your chances of success.

 Pokemon to Catch

The Pokemon GO spotlight hour is a special event that runs from 6pm to 7pm EDT on Thursdays. During this time, players will be able to catch a variety of rare and powerful Pokemon. Here are some tips for catching the most coveted Pokémon during the spotlight hour

Start by catching common creatures like Pidgeys and Rattatas. These Pokemon are easy to find and can help you build up your team early on in the game.

Once you have a strong team, start hunting for higher-leveled Pokémon like Gyms and Raid bosses. These monsters can be harder to catch, but they’ll give you a serious boost in power and stats.

Keep an eye out for legendary creatures too! These beasts offer huge bonuses when caught, so don’t miss your chance to capture one.

Tips for Success

If you want to catch a Pokemon during the Spotlight Hour, here are some tips:
Make sure you have enough Poke Balls. You will need six if you want to try for a Kalos regional Pokémon.
Next, make sure your game is set to “Day and Night” mode. This will help you find specific types of Pokemon during the Spotlight Hour.
If you are trying for a rare or hard to catch Pokémon, be prepared to spend a lot of time playing. The best way to increase your chances is by catching as many common Pokémon as possible first so that you have more chances of encountering a rare or hard to find one.

 The Spotlight Hour?

During the Spotlight Hour, which takes place every day at 3 p.m., players have a chance of catching certain rare or powerful Pokemon species. In order to maximize your chances of catching these elusive creatures, here are a few tips

Catch as many Water-type Pokemon as possible. These include Gyarados, Seadra and Kingdra.

Use Incense to lure in Dragon  types, such as Lopunny and Dragonite.

Try luring in Pokémon that are weak against your own type (for example, use Fighting Type Moves on Flying Types).

How to Catch a Pokemon during the Spotlight Hour

To increase your chances of catching a Pokemon during the Spotlight Hour, try to use specific moves or combination of moves that are effective against the type of Pokemon you’re looking for. For example, using water type moves against electric types will help you catch them.

Another thing to keep in mind is the weather. During a storm, for example, there is a greater chance of encountering water type Pokemon. If you’re trying to catch a pokemon that is usually found in an area with high humidity levels such as rainforest or swamp, bring along some sort of repellent to ward off unwanted insects.

Remember also to stay active and look around constantly. Sometimes the most common Pokémon can be hiding right in front of you.

Ending remarks

If you’re like me, you love going outside to catch Pokémon during the spotlight hour. Here are a few tips for maximizing your chances of catching a Pokemon: -Pick an area that has plenty of grass and trees. This will help make it easier to see the Pokémon when they appear. -Stay calm and collected. Don’t startle the Pokemon or chase after them too quickly this could scare them off and you’ll never catch them.Use your Poke Balls sparingly. If you use your balls often, the Pikachu (or any other rare Pokemon) will get tired of being captured, so be sure to use them only when it’s really necessary.

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