How To Prepare Your Child For Flying With You?

Flying with a child

How To Prepare Your Child For Flying With You?

Flying with a child is exciting, but it does have its ups and downs. This is especially true for parents who haven’t flown with their kids before. In this article, we’ll talk about what you should do to prepare your child to fly safely, from the time they get ready in the morning until the plane takes off.

What to Pack:

When planning a trip with your child, be sure to discuss what to pack for both of you. Here are some items to include:

    • A carry-on bag for your child and any personal belongings
    • Your child’s passport and visa if required
    • Travel insurance if required
    • A list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of everyone you will be staying with while away from home
    • Packing instructions from your airline or travel agent (if applicable)
    • A first-aid kit including medications for fever, pain, and diarrhoea
    • Sunscreen and sunglasses
    • Insect repellent
    • A hat, sunglasses and sunscreen if travelling during the summer months
    • A warm coat or sweater in case it gets cold
    • Snacks and drinks for the plane, bus, train or car ride
    • Toiletries such as shampoo, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, razor, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, sunscreen and insect repellent.


              • Tips for Packing a Safe Bag
              • Things To Do Before You Fly
              • On The Plane
              • In The Airport
              • After Your Flight

Tips for Packing a Safe Bag

When packing a safe bag for your child, keep these tips in mind:

    1.  Choose a bag that is big enough to fit everything you need and is comfortable to wear.
    2.  Make sure the bag has straps so it can be easily carried.
    3.  Include a copy of your child’s birth certificate, passport, and other important identification documents.
    4.  Include a list of your child’s medications, vitamins, snacks, and drinks.
    5.  Include a map of the airport and directions to your rental car location.
    6.  Include a cell phone charger and a whistle in case of an emergency.
    7. – Make sure to include a list of your child’s favorite contacts in case they get separated from you during travel.

Things To Do Before You Fly

There are a few things you can do before your child flies with you to make their trip more comfortable and enjoyable.

    1.  Discuss your travel plans with your child. Let them know what is expected during the flight, including where they will be sleeping and what amenities will be available on board the plane.
    2.  Make sure your child has all of the necessary documents, such as a passport and boarding pass.
    3.  Pack a bag full of snacks and drinks for the flight, as well as some games or books to keep them entertained.
    4.  Make sure your child knows how to use the air conditioning and television in case they get bored during the journey.
    5.  Have your child practice saying hello and goodbye in different languages if they are travelling to a foreign country.
    6.  Make sure to pack a pair of comfortable shoes and a hat in case the weather changes during the flight.

On The Plane

Flying with your child can be a fun experience if you prepare ahead of time. Here are some tips to make the trip as smooth as possible for both of you:

    1.  Get vaccinated: Make sure your child is up-to-date on all their vaccinations, including those for diseases like measles, mumps, and rubella. These vaccines help protect them against illnesses while they’re flying. Talk to your doctor about which vaccines are best for your child.
    2.  Arrange for snacks and drinks: Make sure your child has enough food and drink before boarding the plane. Many airlines now offer healthy options like fruit cups and water bottles that can be filled at the airport before departure. And don’t forget milk or juice boxes, many airlines now allow these in carry on bags as well.
    3.  Bring a blanket or pillow: Flying can be tough on little ones who are used to sleeping in their own bed at home. Bring along a comfortable blanket or pillow to curl up with during the flight.
    4.  Pack a bag of toys and games: Toys can help keep young children entertained during long flights, as can games like jigsaw puzzles or UNO cards. Pack small enough toys that they won’t take up much space in your luggage, though you don’t want to create extra baggage fees.
    5.  Plan ahead: If you have specific needs or requests that you want your child to adhere to while traveling with you such as a bedtime routine or food restrictions make sure to discuss these ahead of time. Airlines are often happy to accommodate special needs, so it’s worth mentioning them when booking your trip.

In The Airport

Flying with your child can be a fun and exciting experience, but it’s important to preparations beforehand. Here are some tips to help make flying with your child as smooth as possible:

    • Establish an effective communication plan. Make sure you and your child are on the same page about what will happen during the flight and what expectations you have for each other. This will ensure that no surprises arise during the flight, and that both of you feel comfortable proceeding with the trip.
    • Arrive early at the airport. If possible, arrive several hours before your flight in order to get through security and check in without any delays. Waiting in line can be frustrating for kids, so try to minimize any potential drama by arriving early.
    • Pack light. Flying is a long journey, so don’t pack anything that isn’t necessary for the trip (like heavy school backpacks). Everything you need can be packed into a small carry-on bag or suitcase.
    • Make plenty of noise! When your child is flying with you, it’s important to keep them entertained by making lots of noise – singing along to their favorite songs, telling funny jokes, or playing games together will all keep them occupied while on board the plane!

After Your Flight

Flying with your child can be a fun, educational and relaxing experience. Here are some tips on how to make the journey as smooth as possible for both of you.

    1.  Plan Ahead: Before your flight, create a travel timeline and schedule your child’s activities accordingly. This will help keep them occupied and out of trouble while you’re airborne!
    2.  Prepare Them For The Trip: Explain the particulars of flying to your child before departure, such as what they should do in case of an emergency. Emphasize that everyone has to stay seated during takeoff and landing, no matter how excited they may be.
    3.  Keep Them Safe: Make sure all their belongings are securely packed in checked luggage and that they know where it is at all times. Also keep an eye on their electronic devices – screens can get extremely bright during take-off or landing, and toddlers love to play with them while in the air!
    4.  Enjoy The Flight: Remember to relax and enjoy the flight – even if your child is fussy or not particularly interested in the experience! Flying provides a unique opportunity for bonding, so take advantage of it.

If you have any questions or concerns about flying with your child, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Travelocity. We’d be happy to help.

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