How To Play Monopoly The Dice Game For Large Groups?

Dice Game For Large Groups

What You’ll Need

In order to play Monopoly the Dice Game for a large group, you will need the following supplies:
-A large dining room table
-At least 20 Monopoly the Dice Game pieces
-Tens or hundreds of dice
-A timer or clock
-A discussion guide
In addition, it is helpful to have an agreed upon ‘house rules’ list beforehand so that everyone understands how the game is going to be played. The following are some recommended house rules for playing Monopoly the Dice Game with a large group:
-Players roll one die each and move their token around the board according to the number shown on their die. The first player to land on any of the Boardwalk squares (except Go To Jail) wins the game.
-When two or more players land on the same square at the same time, they battle it out until one player emerges victorious. In case of a tie, further dice rolls are performed until someone emerges as victor.
-If a player lands on GO TO JAIL, they are automatically eliminated from the game and must forfeit any remaining money/tokens to their opponents.
-If there are only two players left in the game, then whoever has less money at the end of their turn automatically loses.

How To Play

Playing Monopoly The Dice Game with a large group can be a lot of fun. There are a few tips to keep in mind when playing this game with a large group. First, make sure to have enough sets of dice. Second, find someone who can be the banker. This person will be responsible for keeping track of all the money and property. Third, decide on a financial system for the game. Some people prefer to use coins while others may prefer chips or tokens. Fourth, set up the board accordingly. If you are using squares instead of rectangles, divide the board into sections based on player counts (e.g., 3 players, 5 players). Fifth, begin the game by randomly selecting one player to be the banker and give them all of your money and property. Sixth, each player takes turns rolling two dice and moving their token around the board according to the results. Seventh, once everyone has moved around the board once, it is time for trading properties. Players can either trade with other players (using cash or chips) or auction off properties to see who gets them for the lowest price possible. Eighth, once trading is complete it’s time for another round of roll-and-move followed by more trading until one player has monopolized all of the properties on the board and wins the game!

Tips for Large Groups

Playing Monopoly The Dice Game for Large Groups

There are a few tips that can help make playing Monopoly The Dice Game for large groups more fun and manageable.

1. Divide the Board into Sections. Have one person be the banker and another person be the sheriff. This will help keep track of who owns what property and when money is due to be collected.

2. Use Multiple Boards If Necessary. If there are too many people playing, a board can be divided into sections and each player will receive their own board. This way, no one has to wait on anyone else to finish their turn.

3. Make Sure Everyone Gets Their Turn. One of the biggest problems with playing Monopoly The Dice Game is that people can get wrapped up in trying to win rather than taking their turns properly. Make sure everyone knows their role in the game and gives them ample time to complete it before moving onto the next player.

4. Talk It Out! If a player feels they are being unfairly treated by another player, they should speak up before getting angry or frustrated; this will only lead to arguments and might spoil the game for everyone involved. Instead, try communicating with the other player using either body language or clear words – this should usually resolve any issues without any further drama


Monopoly can be a fun game to play with friends, but it can also be difficult when the number of players is larger than six. That’s where dice games come in! In this article, we are going to teach you how to play Monopoly the dice game with as many players as you have. Not only that, but we’re also going to provide tips on how to make the game more fair for everyone involved. Have fun playing Monopoly with a huge group of friends and family!

Monopoly is one of those classic board games that can be enjoyed by everyone. But if you’re playing it with a large group, it can become quite chaotic. That’s where the dice game comes in! In this guide, we will show you how to play monopoly the dice game with as many players as you have dice. Plus, we’ll provide some tips on how to make the game even more fun for your friends and family. So whether you’re looking for an easy way to pass the time or something special to do with a large group of friends, give monopoly the dice game a try!

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